Spreading Holiday Cheer With Genesis Shelter in Dallas

Partnering With Genesis Shelter in Dallas
Every year, Genesis Shelter hosts a holiday workshop for women and children affected by domestic violence in Dallas. 2023 marked the event’s most successful year, with more than 1,200 individuals receiving gifts for the holiday season. Budget Dumpster donated a 30 yard dumpster to this event, making it easy for volunteers to throw away cardboard boxes and packaging after wrapping thousands of gifts.
About Genesis Shelter
Founded in 1984, Genesis Shelter’s mission is to empower women and children experiencing domestic violence. The organization offers safety, shelter and support so women can comfortably leave these situations.

“Our end goal is for women to re-establish their independence and feel confident in making their own decisions.”
Jenna Severson, Director of Communications at Genesis Shelter

The 2023 Holiday Workshop
The Holiday Workshop is part of Genesis’ annual Holiday Campaign. In a three-week span, the shelter collects toy donations and gift cards for its clients. It’s able to source these donations from the Dallas community, spreading the word via social media and its monthly newsletter. More than 500 generous donors contributed in 2023.
Genesis recruited 260 volunteers to wrap gifts for the Holiday Workshop. All 450 “adoptive families” were taken, ensuring every woman and child involved with the shelter received a holiday gift. Among these volunteers were nonprofits, businesses and individuals.
Our dumpster donation made the event even more successful, especially with the influx of donations Genesis received. We delivered the bin the night before the Workshop started and picked it up shortly after the event ended. With Budget Dumpster, Genesis had access to a convenient waste removal solution at all times.

“The holidays make for a lot of excess packaging, boxes and wrapping paper. A dumpster made our job so much easier, as there was no trash buildup and we were able to maintain a clutter-free workspace.”
Jenna Severson, Director of Communications at Genesis Shelter

The event was set up carefully to maintain confidentiality. Donors dropped off their donations at the front of the shelter and clients accepted their gifts in the back parking lot, ensuring there was no point of contact. All “mom” had to do was call upon arrival, and a Genesis staff member would load her gifts into her car.
For mothers wanting to wrap gifts themselves, Genesis provided them with wrapping paper, tape and ribbon. But the shelter wanted to celebrate moms too, so staff members wrapped their gifts separately or gave them gift cards.

“Our Holiday Workshop highlights the true meaning of the holidays. It lets our women and children see why the holiday season is important.”
Jenna Severson, Director of Communications at Genesis Shelter
Give Back to Your Community
Looking to get involved in your community? Try planning an event of your own, whether it’s a park cleanup or a beautification project. Use the following resources to get started.