The Essential Guide to Planning for Severe Weather

How to Prepare for a Storm (and Clean Up Afterwards)

Though we live in an age where weather forecasts are just a quick glance away, Mother Nature can still sneak up on us and deliver a shocking amount of damage to our homes. Every year, severe weather causes billions of dollars’ worth of damage in the U.S., with homeowners bearing the brunt of Nature’s fury.

Between 2005 and 2015, FEMA issued more than $67 billion in public assistance grants to individuals and communities affected by extreme weather.

Of that amount, approximately $13 billion went to households involved in 470 disasters resulting from severe storms.

Though the numbers may be staggering, there are many ways to help defend against severe weather. By following a few storm preparedness best practices, as well as some basic storm cleanup and repair tips, you can stay ahead of the weather and keep the damage to a minimum.

Use the essential steps and expert advice outlined below to prepare your home and family for severe weather: before, during and after a storm.